Sonntag, 19. April 2015

Nurgle Heldrake - Blight Drake – Coversion WIP: Building the Body

As I have promised myself, here is a recent update on the so called Blight Drake. I am currently modelling the main body, which mainly consists of bloated, rotten and torn open old leathery skin. The more I work with greenstuff, the more fun it is. What is important, at least from my experience, is patience: the longer you wait/the more time you have to work on the sculpt constantly, the better you can work out the details. Wounds for example: I wait around 2 hours before I start sculpting them. By this time the greenstuff is firm enough to be cut and ripped open without damaging the base form; at the same time you still can shape it good enough. Same goes for the leathery texture of the skin, which I, in order to get the same look as the skin of the Blight Drone has, created by cutting the putty with a knife over and over again.

There are are some parts I am not so happy with, but once the base modelling is done (including the carapace) I will come back and fix those issues: it's minor things most people won't notice like wounds that are shaped too similar or wobbly body parts that don't hang correctly taken the slightly tilted stance the Blight Drake will have on the flight stand into consideration.  

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